P7b were working on charcoal and chalk bottle art. We watched a video about ellipses and shading a bottle to show light and shade. Every one enjoyed this activity because we learned some new drawing skills. We think that our bottles are great!
For P.E. we had a handball session, the coach was called Michael. He told us the rules of handball and some techniques like short passing is harder to intercept and you can only take three steps with the ball. Everyone enjoyed it and I had a broken collarbone so I was the referee.
In possession games we have been working on our basketball skills and being aware of your own space and other people and surroundings. We also improved football and basketball skills like shooting and dribbling and again, being aware of the space of, ourselves, others and surroundings.
We worked in groups to make boats. Our boats had to be able to float and carry cargo. We collected recycled materials and worked in partners to make our boats. We made our boats, tested them and made improvements. Everyone’s boats floated and carried some weight. We presented our boats to the class.
We learned how to use ellipses to draw a bottle. We drew a line of symmetry and made a few attempts to get the right ellipses. We used working lines to help us get the right shapes. We are proud of our drawings.
Primary 7 had their first outing yesterday when they attended a ‘Safety in the Park’ event at Arthurlie House. We moved around a number of presentations and activities and we learned not to talk to strangers, alcohol safety, online safety and much more.