Category Archives: Numeracy

Pentagons Maths Group Term1

During term 1 the Pentagons Maths Group learned about fractions, decimals and percentages.

We understand that decimals are part of a whole number and can order decimal numbers and add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with decimal numbers. We also learned rules to multiply by 10 and 100.

We can link decimals, fractions and percentages.


We also learned about 2D and 3D shapes. We learned the correct names of the shapes and the different terms – sides, angles, diagonals and lines of symmetry.  We learned about different triangles and their properties.

We looked at the nets of shapes and the 2D shapes that went together to make 3D shapes.


The Hexagons and Octagons maths groups have been learning  to read timetables made up of 12 hour and 24 hour times .  We’ve worked really hard to be able to  calculate durations of time in hours and minutes.


Victorian Population Study & Graph

Copy of Breanne Scatter Graph Blackpool


This week in ICT Primary 6 researched the rise of the population within Blackpool during the Victorian period.  The rise of the population was due to the invention of the steam train  and the construction of railway lines and other transport methods such as the tram.

We decided to display our information using a line graph. We learned how to utilise Microsoft Excel to display the data. Our graph shows that improvements to the railway and other amenities resulted in a substantial rise in the population of Blackpool.

I enjoyed creating the graph because I  am more confident in using  Excel and I liked making it colourful   Breanne

I was successful at creating my graph because I included a title and labelled my x and y axis.  Olivia

We plan to carry out a survey about transport in the modern day  and compare  with transport utilised in the Victorian period. This will develop our understanding of data handling and the past.




Solar System Scale Drawing

We created scale drawings of the planets found within the Solar System. We used compasses to draw the planets based on their reduced radius. We used a website which scaled down the sun to 10,000cm (10m) which allowed  us to work out the reduced diameter of the other planets.  If the sun is  10m in diameter then Earth would be 4. 2 cm.   We used our knowledge of the properties  of circles   and our measure skills to help us create a  scale drawing of our Solar System.

I liked   drawing the planets because it  was a bit of art mixed in with maths. Ryan

I can now identify the diameter and radius of a circle.  Julia

I enjoyed having the option of working with a peer because Jupiter was so big.



Our Targets



Welcome to Primary 6a. We have been using the gridline technique to  enlarge a picture for our class personal points chart. We all had to vote for our favourite picture and Adam’s entry was selected. Together we made modifications to the design and then in our groups enlarged the picture. We identified our own personal targets to help create a good learning environment.