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Welcome to P3a’s Blog!

Hello and welcome to our first blog post of Primary 3!

We have had a very busy first week back and we can’t wait to show you all of our learning and the skills we build.

One of the most important things we have done this week is creating our class charter. We talked about our rights and looked at the Charter for the Rights of the Child. We decided on four rights that were the most important to us and they were:

  • The right to be healthy
  • The right to be safe
  • The right to be ourselves
  • The right to be heard

We talked about what these rights would look like in our own classroom. We then decided that we wanted to make a charter with an emoji theme.

A Day in the Snow

The cold weather didn’t stop Primary 2 from wrapping up warmly, putting our wellies on and heading off out into the snowy playground for some winter fun!

We made snow angels and baby snowmen.

We spotted different icy icicles in the Outdoor Classroom.

We noticed the frosty flakes on the playground gates and fences.

After our time in the snow, we gathered together to look at the pictures we took from outside. We created a word bank using all the different adjectives that we used to describe our time outside. We used these words to help us write about our personal experience of our ‘Day in the Snow’. Check out our wonderful word bank below.


Primary 2a have created our very own self portraits. We looked closely into mirrors to identify the colours of our hair and eyes to effectively create our paintings. We drew our pictures first, starting with our shoulders, then onto our neck. We then drew our head and hair, and finished the drawing off with our eyes, nose and mouth. Then we chose to paint them, using different bright and vibrant colours to really make our portraits stand out!

Halloween Fun!

Primary 2a made the most of Halloween this year. We went dooking for apples.

We cut apples in half and used them to paint with. Take a look at some of our art work.

We turned into wonderful wizards and witches and made magical potions. You don’t want to get on our bad sides, we know how to turn you into a frog!

We used our hands to make spooky spiders.

We investigated our pumpkin in the Investigation Area. We made notes about what we saw, what we thought and what we wondered.

Some of us even had halloween treats in our pack lunches!

To finish off the school day, we had a Halloween disco dance in the classroom.


In Primary 2 we have been working hard with our punctuation skills. We know we need to have a capital letter at the start, a full stop at the end and finger spaces in between words when writing sentences. Why don’t you ask me to sing our punctuation song?

Each week we either do have a go writing or shared writing with the teacher. Have a look at some of our Star Writers below: