Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Muddy Movers

We have been taking part in Muddy Movers each week. We have to make sure that we are wearing appropriate clothes to go outside. We sometimes wear wellies, waterproof trousers and always wear a jacket with a hood!

With our Muddy Movers equipment, we build different things. For example:

  • we had build a bridge to get from one side to another
  • we had to build an obstacle course
  • we had to build something to balance on
  • we had to build a tunnel to crawl under or over

Our equipment is made up of:

  • wooden planks
  • plastic crates
  • wooden blocks
  • tarpaulin
  • metal buckets
  • pegs
  • wooden ramps

We love Muddy Movers and improving our creativity and problem solving skills!