Category Archives: IDL

Our Assembly

On Friday we had our P3 assembly with P3b. In our assembly we were talking about Plastic Pollution. In class we read the story of Duffy the Sea Turtle and in our assembly we recreated the story. The key messages from our assembly were:

  • recycle plastic items
  • be kinder to our oceans
  • using paper items instead of plastic
  • bring your own bag to the shops
  • pick up litter
  • use re-usable plastics
  • reduce plastic use

We created a song about our key messages and sang it during our assembly. We created a video about plastic pollution which retold the story of Duffy. We used Microsoft Power Point to create a presentation and turn it into a video.

Prestwick Beach Trip

On Monday we went to Prestwick Beach to pick up litter as part of our Plastic Pollution IDL topic.

We got recycled bags and litter pickers and walked across the beach picking up lots of different types of litter.

Some of litter we picked up were:

  • crisp packets
  • nets and rope
  • plastic bottles
  • toothbrush
  • hairband
  • cigarettes
  • juice cans

We were very disappointed in the people who left this litter on the beach because we know that this kind of litter can be very harmful to our sea life.

We were exhausted after picking up all of the litter but we knew that we had been successful and we were really proud of ourselves!

Under the Sea

This term Primary 2 have been looking at all things Under the Sea. As it turns out, we already knew lots about Under the Sea but there was even more that we wanted to find out! Have a look at our ‘I Wonder’ wall.

We learned about the different animals that live under the sea, such as Starfish, Bottlenose Dolphins, Great White Sharks, Seahorses,  Octopuses and Jellyfish.

We watched videos of the different animals in their natural habitats, swimming around and looking for food. We also watched a baby dolphin being born.

We drew our favourite sea creatures, and made them bob along with us.

We also made portholes, as if we were looking out into the sea. We loved using sand, shells and paint to do this.

We played with our sea animals in our classroom sandpit with our friends and we also made beautiful sandcastles, decorating these with shells.

We were able to share all of our newly discovered findings with the rest of the school and our families who came to see us at our Primary 2 Assembly. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Fish Animations

Primary 2a have been focusing on an Under the Sea topic, looking at the different sea creatures that live in the deep blue sea.

With the help of Miss Macdonald, Primary 2a created their own fish animations, using different shapes, colours, tips and tricks. The pupils even designed their own backgrounds. Check them out!

People Who Help Us – Firefighter Visit

Primary 1 had a very exciting afternoon as firefighter Kevin Hughes came to tell us all about his job.  We enjoyed asking questions and some people got to try on his uniform.

We then got a very big surprise as the Barrhead Fire Engine came to visit!  We got to look at all the equipment and we all tried out the hose.

This is connected to our learning topic of People Who Help Us.

Firefighter Kevin told us lots of information.
We tried on the uniforms.
Everyone got to try to hold the hose.
The Fire Engine came to visit.