All posts by gw18barklaura@glow

A Day in the Snow

The cold weather didn’t stop Primary 2 from wrapping up warmly, putting our wellies on and heading off out into the snowy playground for some winter fun!

We made snow angels and baby snowmen.

We spotted different icy icicles in the Outdoor Classroom.

We noticed the frosty flakes on the playground gates and fences.

After our time in the snow, we gathered together to look at the pictures we took from outside. We created a word bank using all the different adjectives that we used to describe our time outside. We used these words to help us write about our personal experience of our ‘Day in the Snow’. Check out our wonderful word bank below.


Primary 2a have created our very own self portraits. We looked closely into mirrors to identify the colours of our hair and eyes to effectively create our paintings. We drew our pictures first, starting with our shoulders, then onto our neck. We then drew our head and hair, and finished the drawing off with our eyes, nose and mouth. Then we chose to paint them, using different bright and vibrant colours to really make our portraits stand out!

Halloween Fun!

Primary 2a made the most of Halloween this year. We went dooking for apples.

We cut apples in half and used them to paint with. Take a look at some of our art work.

We turned into wonderful wizards and witches and made magical potions. You don’t want to get on our bad sides, we know how to turn you into a frog!

We used our hands to make spooky spiders.

We investigated our pumpkin in the Investigation Area. We made notes about what we saw, what we thought and what we wondered.

Some of us even had halloween treats in our pack lunches!

To finish off the school day, we had a Halloween disco dance in the classroom.

2D Shapes

Primary 2a have been looking into 2D shapes, counting their sides and corners, along with remembering their names.

We think that a circle is interesting because it has only 1 side and no corners. We use tips and tricks to help us remember the tricky names of shapes. For example, when we think of a hexagon, we think of the number six as they both have an ‘x’, so we remember a hexagon has six sides. When we think of an octagon, we think of an Octopus that has eight legs, so an octagon must have eight sides.

We also like to sing our Shape song filled with all of our 2D shapes, just ask us to sing this anytime.

We were able to make our own 2D shapes by cutting these out ourselves along with drawing our own 2D shape patterns, designing different colour and shape patterns.  We also enjoy making 2D shape patterns using concrete materials. Check out our amazing patterns below!

Under the Sea

This term Primary 2 have been looking at all things Under the Sea. As it turns out, we already knew lots about Under the Sea but there was even more that we wanted to find out! Have a look at our ‘I Wonder’ wall.

We learned about the different animals that live under the sea, such as Starfish, Bottlenose Dolphins, Great White Sharks, Seahorses,  Octopuses and Jellyfish.

We watched videos of the different animals in their natural habitats, swimming around and looking for food. We also watched a baby dolphin being born.

We drew our favourite sea creatures, and made them bob along with us.

We also made portholes, as if we were looking out into the sea. We loved using sand, shells and paint to do this.

We played with our sea animals in our classroom sandpit with our friends and we also made beautiful sandcastles, decorating these with shells.

We were able to share all of our newly discovered findings with the rest of the school and our families who came to see us at our Primary 2 Assembly. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!


In Primary 2 we have been working hard with our punctuation skills. We know we need to have a capital letter at the start, a full stop at the end and finger spaces in between words when writing sentences. Why don’t you ask me to sing our punctuation song?

Each week we either do have a go writing or shared writing with the teacher. Have a look at some of our Star Writers below: