All posts by Miss Graham

Muddy Movers

We have been taking part in Muddy Movers each week. We have to make sure that we are wearing appropriate clothes to go outside. We sometimes wear wellies, waterproof trousers and always wear a jacket with a hood!

With our Muddy Movers equipment, we build different things. For example:

  • we had build a bridge to get from one side to another
  • we had to build an obstacle course
  • we had to build something to balance on
  • we had to build a tunnel to crawl under or over

Our equipment is made up of:

  • wooden planks
  • plastic crates
  • wooden blocks
  • tarpaulin
  • metal buckets
  • pegs
  • wooden ramps

We love Muddy Movers and improving our creativity and problem solving skills!

Road Safety Week 2019

For Road Safety Week we had to create posters to instruct others on how to cross the road safely.

We decided there were 5 steps to cross the road safely. These were:

  • Stop – to make sure there is no traffic coming
  • Look- right and left to see if there is any traffic coming
  • Listen- for any traffic that might be coming
  • Think- is it safe to cross now?
  • Walk- to make sure we cross safely without tripping
Created by Joe
Created by Ava
Created by Amy
Created by Josh
Created by Kayden

Our Assembly

On Friday we had our P3 assembly with P3b. In our assembly we were talking about Plastic Pollution. In class we read the story of Duffy the Sea Turtle and in our assembly we recreated the story. The key messages from our assembly were:

  • recycle plastic items
  • be kinder to our oceans
  • using paper items instead of plastic
  • bring your own bag to the shops
  • pick up litter
  • use re-usable plastics
  • reduce plastic use

We created a song about our key messages and sang it during our assembly. We created a video about plastic pollution which retold the story of Duffy. We used Microsoft Power Point to create a presentation and turn it into a video.

Prestwick Beach Trip

On Monday we went to Prestwick Beach to pick up litter as part of our Plastic Pollution IDL topic.

We got recycled bags and litter pickers and walked across the beach picking up lots of different types of litter.

Some of litter we picked up were:

  • crisp packets
  • nets and rope
  • plastic bottles
  • toothbrush
  • hairband
  • cigarettes
  • juice cans

We were very disappointed in the people who left this litter on the beach because we know that this kind of litter can be very harmful to our sea life.

We were exhausted after picking up all of the litter but we knew that we had been successful and we were really proud of ourselves!

Welcome to P3a’s Blog!

Hello and welcome to our first blog post of Primary 3!

We have had a very busy first week back and we can’t wait to show you all of our learning and the skills we build.

One of the most important things we have done this week is creating our class charter. We talked about our rights and looked at the Charter for the Rights of the Child. We decided on four rights that were the most important to us and they were:

  • The right to be healthy
  • The right to be safe
  • The right to be ourselves
  • The right to be heard

We talked about what these rights would look like in our own classroom. We then decided that we wanted to make a charter with an emoji theme.