
Woodfarm provides a wide range of courses and learning opportunities to suit the needs of all pupils with many courses designed to offer a more flexible approach to learning and reinforce a commitment to achievement. East Renfrewshire Council’s Vocational Programme for S4-S6 pupils has a number of options which allow young people to develop employability skills. As most of the courses are based in local further educational colleges, pupils are given the chance to experience college life which increases their confidence about making a successful transition from school.

Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) aims to raise standards of learning and teaching for all 3 to 18 year olds by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum. It aims to help prepare children and young people with the knowledge and skills they need in a fast changing world. It is all about bringing real life into the classroom and taking lessons beyond it.

The rationale for the curriculum is based on our school’s shared vision of preparing young people for life. The curriculum reflects much more than the subjects taught in classrooms. It now includes everything we plan in and outside of school that allows young people to learn and develop. One of the key entitlements of CfE is that all children should receive a Broad General Education, from early years through to the end of S3.

S3 is a period of transition. Pupils move on from the Experiences and Outcomes which make up the broad general curriculum across 8 curricular areas and into Fourth Level Experiences and Outcomes which form the basis of study in the Senior Phase. By reducing the number of subjects taken in S3, pupils will be able build the depth of knowledge, understanding and application of skills necessary to lay the foundations for more specialised learning in the Senior Phase.

Pupils move to the Senior Phase in S4 to S6. It includes studying for National Qualifications. The approach offered in Woodfarm High School ensures a broad experience across the curriculum areas up to the end of S4, providing pupils with a wide range of knowledge, skills and exciting experiences that they can draw on as their lives, careers and job opportunities continue to change.

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