Author Archives: Miss Ferguson

S6 Pupil Conference

On Monday 23rd September, pupils participated in the first S6 pupil conference.   Pupils participated in activities designed to help them realise their potential and prepare them for life after school. The workshops explored the 24 aspects of character, for example leadership, bravery and zest. They also looked at the wide range of skills developed by volunteering and the multitude of different pathways available after school. All these topics are helpful for pupils’ mental health and wellbeing as well as sharing information about later life. The first S6 Conference was definitely a success! 


Senior Awards Ceremony 2019

Williamwood High School’s senior awards ceremony was an inspiring evening. Endeavour, academic achievement, sports and special awards were presented to over 200 pupils from S4 to S6. Michaela Foster-Marsh gave an amazing, thought provoking speech and the musical interludes showcased Williamwood’s young talent. Thanks to everyone who helped set up the event and the F&TT department for the wonderful shortbread that rounded off the night.