S2 Options Week

Next week is S2 Options Week.  During their timetabled online classes, S2 pupils will receive some options lessons which will provide them with useful information about that particular subject – course content and skills etc…  On Thursday, all parents of S2 pupils will receive a link to a video presentation about S2 Options which will explain the process and answer some frequently asked questions.  Details will also be included about how to complete the options form and the due date.  This is then followed by S2 reports which will be issued on Thursday 18th February and the S2 parents’ evening (by telephone appointments) on Thursday 25th February.  Details on the parents’ evening will follow in due course.

Any pupil who would like a telephone appointment with the careers advisor or their pupil support teacher regarding options should contact the school office who will arrange this.  Please email schoolmail to arrange.

A copy of the S2 options form and access to the S3 options website is already active in the information, S3 options section of the school website which can be viewed here.

Pupils can also access resources in their Pupil Support Google Classroom page.  There are also excellent tools on the My World of Work website to help students and parents.