Daily Archives: October 8, 2020

Letter to parents/carer

Dear Parent,
We are almost at the end of the first term and I am delighted to report that school has functioned remarkably well thanks to the resilient and good-natured way in which pupils have approached the new rules and new ways of working. It really has been a pleasure to be back in school, although I know that pupils (and staff) are now ready for a well-earned break. Please remember that Monday 19th October is an in-service day and pupils return on Tuesday 20th October.
I hope that you and your families are able to relax and enjoy some time together.
I have attached below a few items for your information:

To support our S4 pupils in consolidating their learning, staff have produced a suite of October revision resources for pupils studying National 5 courses. These resources have been uploaded to the Classwork section of each Google classroom under the heading October Revision.
I hope that the materials will be helpful in supporting pupils who wish to use them. Please note, however, that there is no expectation that pupils complete any of these materials during the October break. Pupils have not had an easy term and need time to relax. All teaching and revision materials will remain on the Google Classroom and pupils can access them at any point during the course of the session.

Should you wish to access the materials issued earlier this week to help parents in supporting their children’s resilience and mental health, you can do so by following these links:
Parent Conference 2020 – Welcome
Parent Conference 2020 – Resources

Our #BeKind committee has organised an anti-bullying and kindness campaign to take place immediately following the October break. Attached here is a letter which contains important information about this initiative.

Also attached here are details of Children 1st Parentline, an organisation which supports East Renfrewshire families who are struggling with money worries and other family concerns.

William Inglis
Head Teacher
Williamwood High School

Parent Conference

Dear Parent/Carer
As you may know, this year’s Parent Conference is scheduled to take place this evening. For obvious reasons, it is not possible to host our Parent Conference in the normal way; instead, the pupil support team have collated some resources which you may find helpful in supporting your child’s mental health and resilience.
Please simply follow the links below:

• Parent Conference 2020 – Welcome

• Parent Conference 2020 – Resources

• Parent Conference 2020 – Feedback

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s pupil support teacher if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s wellbeing in more detail.
Kind regards

Shirley Gibson
Depute Headteacher (Pupil Support)
Williamwood High School