“How to get into Medical School” Tuesday 29 September. 7-9pm.
Live online lecture evening with information on Life in Medicine, Life at Medical School and Application and Interview Advice.
Open to anyone interested whether they have previously attended work experience or a formal medical school application advice event or not.
More information and Registration at:
Meet the Medics” Thursday 1 October. 7-9pm.
” Live event allowing small group discussions with current doctors and medical students from around Scotland to gain an insight into the career.
Open to anyone about to apply for medical school this October who has not previously attended a work experience placement or a formal medical school application advice event (such as Get Ready for Medicine, Medic Insight or the REACH lecture week.)
More information and Registration at:
Both events are live and ready for registration.
These events are being run as a collaboration between Medicine Outreach Glasgow Widening Access Initiative (MOGWAI), Medic Insight Glasgow, Glasgow University Bridging Education Society (GUBES), Dundee Widening Access to Medicine Student Society and the charity You Can be a Doctor.