December 2017

Welcome to P5As Christmas class blog. We have been a very holly jolly class this month, getting ready for Christmas.


In Art, we have been making Christmas decorations out of clay and paper. We were working hard on developing the accuracy of our tracing and cutting.

Charlotte says, “I feel very confident tracing around my hand and I was even able to make my fingers a bit thicker to make my decoration sturdier.”

We also learnt to use pointillism to create images of Fairtrade products.

Moya feels, “confident in that she could regularly mix primary colours to make secondary colours and create tones with dots.”


In Social Studies we have been learning about Fairtrade. Following our visit from Rainbow Turtle, we learnt about the production lines of Fairtrade products such as cotton and bananas. As a result of our learning, we ran a Fairtrade stall to raise money for Fairtrade farmers selling lots of Fairtrade products such as chocolate, bangles, rings and duck collars.

Oliver says “I didn’t know where cotton came from and I didn’t know that much about Fairtrade, but now I can confidently explain about these processes.”

Having calculated our profit from the stall, Primary 5 are proud to announce that we made £264.79 which will be donated to Rainbow Turtle to help support Fairtrade farmers.


Our focus in RME has been weddings from different religions. We have been making information posters and presenting our posters to the class.

Ethan feels like he “regularly tries hard at presenting information to the class,” and feels as though he “has expert knowledge on Buddhist weddings.”


In ICT, we explored online coding through Hour of Code. In addition, we have been using Microsoft Word to create posters for our stall.

Cameron D says, “I feel skilful at coding and word processing all the time.”

We experimented with headers, footers and tables to present our work. Nathan thinks he will now “always be successful at these skills.”


In P.E., P5A have just finished learning hockey ball skills and can now successfully play tournaments in class. We are beginning to develop our skills in touch rugby and are becoming more successful.

Alix feels “confident in tackling and passing.”

We have really enjoyed our aerobics warm ups and have loved Mr Connell’s enthusiasm.


In HWB, we have been exploring diet and we learnt how much of each of the food groups we need to eat to be healthy. We represented our understanding through the creation of food meal plates.

Kate M says “I can name each of the food groups, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, proteins, dairy and oils and spreads and can confidently identify foods within these groups.”

We have also taken part in weekly circle time, where we give each other compliments, work together to solve shared problems and developing our talking and listening skills.


Awesome Achievers

P5A have had a very awesome month of achievements ranging from:- cooking and cleaning for parents, gaining new belts in Tae Kwon Do, joining new football teams, being successful at using factors to multiply, coming third in the school talent show and being a good friend and helping others when they are hurt.



Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.