Commonwealth Games in Giffnock

Today we have taken part in lots of different sports. We have been split up into our houses and have been cheering on different countries. I enjoyed passing the ball and running in rugby (Amir). It was fun running around with the baton (Hayley). The Judo game called ‘land and sea’ was brilliant because I won (Hannah). We can’t wait for the closing ceremony so we can wave our flags again!

Commonwealth Games in Giffnock

Today we have taken part in lots of different sports. We have been split up into our houses and have been cheering on different countries. I enjoyed passing the ball and running in rugby (Amir). It was fun running around with the baton (Hayley). The Judo game called ‘land and sea’ was brilliant because I won (Hannah). We can’t wait for the closing ceremony so we can wave our flags again!