Primary One’s Second Blog

Literacy and Numeracy

We have been reading and learning about the order of the alphabet (Moya).

I have been learning to write a sentence. I need to make sure I have a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end (Rory).

I have been learning my common and tricky words. They help me to read and write (Phoebe).

We can add and take away (Ewan). I like playing the skittles game to take away (Sherwan).


We can log on, log off and save our work (Charlotte).

Health and Wellbeing

We have been playing games and dancing in PE (Owais).

We have been learning to take part in team games in PE. We need to encourage our team mates and take turns. My favourite game is ‘Stuck in the Mud’ (Iain).

We ‘bounceback’ when we are not well or are feeling upset (James).


The ‘animal man’ came to visit us and we got to touch the animals. Some were hard and some were soft (Hugh).

We have been learning about waterproof materials. We did an experiment to find out what material should be used for ‘Winnie the Pooh’s’ Umbrella (Olivia).