Tag Archives: Meet the Teacher

You said, We did

Thank you for taking the time to complete our feedback form following our Meet the Teacher event. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and valued.

Below is a brief overview of your comments along with some talking points from the event.


How would you rate your curriculum evening experience?

Some of your Comments

“Teacher presented well, confident and informative, I now feel well informed about what my son will be doing in the year and what I can do at home to help him achieve.”

“Helpful insights. Good opportunity to ask questions of the teacher.”

“Great introduction to my sons class and the teacher’s vision for the year ahead.”


“It is always helpful to know what kids are doing at school. This really helps us to get involved more to provide kids with the necessary support. Many thanks.”

“Nice opportunity to see the classroom and meet the class teacher.”

“It is a good idea to have these nights at the start of term-it allows us to meet the teachers and find out more about how and what the children will be learning. Please do keep doing these evenings.”

Questions Raised

Are there plans for slides and presentations to go online?

Yes. All class presentations and slides will be uploaded to the website over the coming weeks.

Could we maybe have more formal approach and presentation in class?

As the focus of the evening is to meet the teacher, individual teachers are free to choose the best approach for their class and stage. We continue to provide guidance on possible presentations for staff to incorporate if they wish.

Are there plans for more curriculum events during the year?

Yes. Upcoming events include a Numeracy and Mathematics event and Literacy and English event.

Numeracy and Mathematics, 3:45-4:45pm.

Literacy and English 3:45-4:45pm.