A Guide to Your Child’s Report and Feedback Form
A Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is a skills based curriculum, developing:

CfE is less about how fast children learn and more about how deeply they learn. It is also about how they apply the skills they have learned. Below is the national benchmark of learning and progression for Curriculum for Excellence.
Progress at a Level: Children will progress at different rates and some will attain levels more quickly than others.

- ERC Standardised Assessments:
Standardised Assessments are also carried out in East Renfrewshire schools for pupils in P3, P5, P7 and S2. They have an important role to play in providing teachers with concise objective information on a child’s level of development. We track pupils’ progress at every stage in school. The results provide information for planning future teaching and learning. Standardised scores can range from 70-130. A score of 100 is the average.
- Scottish National Assessments:
The Scottish Government has introduced a single, nationally developed set of standardised assessments, designed to reflect the way we deliver education in Scotland, through Curriculum for Excellence. Assessments are administered to each child once within the relevant school year. Individual teachers and schools, with guidance from their local authorities, will decide the most appropriate time during the school year for your child to take the standardised assessments. Assessments are completed online, marked automatically, giving teachers immediate feedback to help children progress. The online assessment system will provide feedback information about where your child did well and where further support is required. The feedback will be used to help plan next steps and further support as appropriate.

- Feedback:
Please complete the feedback form below. Questions 1-6 are parent/carer questions and questions 7-8 provide an opportunity for you to discuss and feeback your child’s views.