Purpose and aims
The course aims to enable candidates to:
- develop the ability to safely perform a comprehensive range of movement and performance skills
- understand factors that impact on personal performance in physical activities
- build capacity to perform effectively
- develop approaches to enhance personal performance
- monitor, record and evaluate performance development
Course assessment structure: portfolio
Portfolio 60 marks
The purpose of the portfolio is to assess the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the performance development process. It assesses the candidate’s ability to integrate skills and apply knowledge and understanding from across the course.
The portfolio is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their ability to work independently and is sufficiently open and flexible to allow personalisation and choice in the activities selected.
This portfolio is:
- set by SQA
- conducted under controlled conditions
- submitted to SQA for external marking
The portfolio has a total of 60 marks. This is 50% of the overall marks for the course assessment.
Course assessment structure: performance
Performance 60 marks
The purpose of this component is to assess the candidate’s ability to effectively perform in two different physical activities.
Each performance is a single event in a challenging, competitive and/or demanding context.
This gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:
- a repertoire of skills — including complex skills
- control and fluency
- effective decision-making
- using and applying straightforward composition, tactics or role safely and effectively
- conforming to rules, regulations and etiquette
- controlling emotions
- working co-operatively with others
The performance has a total of 60 marks. This is 50% of the overall marks for the course assessment. Each single performance event is marked out of 30.