Parent Voice

We have two children at St Ninian’s, with our eldest in sixth year currently applying for university. Since first year she has benefitted greatly from the dedication and support of staff. Staff have encouraged and enabled her to be committed, to work hard and to achieve her maximum potential. The enthusiasm of some staff for their own subject, has at times, been inspirational. She has gained in confidence from attending after school study sessions, including during school holidays, where staff give up their time to provide support. This has resulted in excellent grades at both intermediate and higher level. Through the encouragement of staff she takes part in and helps with school activities, tutors other pupils and volunteers in the local community, all of which provides her with experiences and skills she will use throughout her career and life. We have started to see our younger child growing in confidence and feel, he too, will benefit from the same dedication, support and commitment of staff and share the same positive experiences.

Karen Quinn

Parent Voice

My eldest son, who by nature is extremely quiet and when he arrived in S1 he had little self confidence and belief in himself – He has been in a position to take advantage of the the tremendous opportunities available to him to help him develop his own self esteem. Over the years he has had the opportunity to be a Volunteer at the highly successful sports camps, allowing him to recently achieve over 100 hours of Volunteering and has completed ‘The Intermediate Ascent’ within the Saltire awards programme. This has also enabled him to take part in Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme organised within the school. The Music department has provided a wealth of opportunities allowing him to take part in an exceptional standard of performances within school, allowing him to develop his own confidence in performing to a variety of audiences. He is now a very different young person to the one who arrived 31/2 years ago – all credit is due to the teachers who work tirelessly to ensure these opportunities happen.
My son, who would take part in all sporting activities, has had the opportunity to ‘live his dream’ being a member of the Football team and taking part in Cycling and Athletic competitions. He attends many of the after school clubs, holiday camps and Twilight Sports camps that are available to the children. This allows him to further develop his skills and try out new sports – skiing, table tennis, basketball, king-ball, dodge-ball, mat ball etc. School outings, trips to Premiership football games and Skiing in France make these sporting dreams a reality! These Sport clubs help develop new friendships and a real team spirit within the children.
Fabulous job – keep up the good work – your school provides an extension to my sons’ home.
Thanking you
Maxine Sibille

Friends of St Ninian’s

It is important as a parent that you feel included in the school community. Friends of St Ninians is a very welcome and encourgaing group to be part of. 

When you have a busy life it is great to have the opportunity to catch up with other parents and staff in a social and fundraising environment.

It is an active and supportive group.

Yvonne McIlwham

Parent Voice

“Thanks for this brilliant club, she loves it, it’s well organised, interesting and engaging for them, and the staff who run it are positive and professional. See you next year!”

Paula McMahon

My son Louis has attended Saturday Sports Camp since day 1 – Easter and Summer camps were always a huge hit with him so Saturday Sports Camp became the highlight every week and not just for holidays! He has had the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports, (especially the Trampoline) and to meet new people and be part of a ‘special team of people.’
For Louis, these camps are particularly special and play an important and vital role in his development.  He has Down’s Syndrome but thanks to the wonderful staff and Young Leaders this is no boundary – Louis is fully integrated into the camps and treated equally and with the utmost respect. The staff and leaders attend to any particular additional need he may have, meanwhile providing a fabulous, ‘fit-filled’ learning environment which makes one happy, little boy able to do the same as his brothers and his friends, be fully involved, have great fun and keep healthy. Truly grateful.
The Sibille family