S1 Spiritual Journal

Jesus Christ and His gospel form the centre of everything that we do here in Saint Ninian’s High School. We have a rich and stimulating programme of liturgy, prayer and service which combine to help us all grow into the people God wants us to be.

As a way of helping our new S1 students to enter reflectively into their career at Saint Ninian’s, they have all been issued with a 40 page Spiritual Journal. This free A5 booklet contains prayers for daily life and also some pages which support the pupils’ spiritual journal through the school year.

At several key points in the year (patronal feast, November, Advent, S1 Options, Lent, Annual Pilgrimage) pupils will be able to record their thoughts and memories. They will be supported to think about the ways in which God is present and active in their daily lives.

In his introduction to the booklet our Headteacher, Mr John Docherty, recalls the words of Pope Benedict when he came to Britain four years ago:

Jesus is always there, quietly waiting for us to be still with Him and to hear His voice. Deep within your heart, He is calling you to spend time with Him in prayer. But this kind of prayer, real prayer, requires discipline; it requires making time for moments of silence every day’

 He goes on to say, “I am confident that in using your spiritual booklet, your knowledge and understanding of God and His love for you will be deepened and enriched so that your words and thoughts, prayer and action, will be a witness to the presence of Christ in your family, our school and our world.”

 Please pray for our First Years and all our pupils, that they will know the closeness of God in every stage of their lives.