Tag Archives: maths

Taking maths outdoors.

The squares math group have been learning about area and perimeter recently. We took advantage of the dry weather and used the playground, chalk and meter sticks to draw out squares and rectangles from given measurements. The children then calculated the area and perimeter of their quadrilateral. The children worked in mixed math groups and used the opportunity to share their knowledge with the circles and triangles maths groups. Once they had completed their task the children created a quadrilateral of their own measurements. They then had to measure and calculate the area and perimeter of the shape created by another group. During the plenary discussion children commented that they had enjoyed the task and some of their challenges had been to create shapes using straight lines, particularly when creating larger shapes. One of the ways they found to overcome this problem was by working as a team with one member standing back to observe and give directions if the line began to slant diagonally.


                  Adam shared his swimming success with the class and Amy shared her dancing trophies! What confident individuals and successful learners we have in Primary 5!   


Primary 5 2017/18

Welcome to the new school year!

Primary 5 promises to be a fantastic year for the children.

The children have been revising their maths skills from Primary 4 and easing into the classroom routine after the long summer break. They have been learning their tables and will continue to do so over the course of the term.

In literacy this term we are studying “The BFG” by Roald Dahl and can look forward to lots of interdisciplinary activities based on this novel. In September we also begin studying the Literacy World series in class.

Our social studies topic is The Scottish Wars of Independence and we will be learning all about famous battles, historic figures and life during the 11-12th centuries.

The children will have added responsibilities around the school this year, now that they are part of the upper school. They began by checking the school garden and assessing the weeds that had grown over the summer holidays. We were pleasantly surprise to see that the rocket, blueberries and broccoli continued to grow unaided and our pear tree bore its first fruit! The children were all able to contribute ideas and opinions about they would like to grow this year.

We are looking forward to a fantastic Primary 5 and children will be blogging on a regular basis to keep you up to date on our learning and adventures!

Mrs Nelson.


