well done on creating a fantastic poster illustrating ways to multiply a calculation!
Homework has been added to Google classroom and Education City. Children should complete all tasks for Friday. Remember that Early Bird club is available each morning and children can complete homework during this time also.
It feels a little strange without our Hatchery and fish in school but our hard work continues. We are working very hard on our competition entry to conclude the topic. We look forward to sharing this with the rest of the school very soon.
P6a have been preparing for the Keep Scotland BeautifulĀ art competition.
The theme this year year is to highlight the effect of litter on a Marine ecosystem.
The children decided to focus on on the journey from Barrhead to The River Clyde and then to the sea. They decided to collect straws that had been used by pupils in the school and use these and bottle tops along with other litter that they had found around the school to create their message. They planned their designs, presented these to the class and voted on which pieces should form the large focus. As all pupils had put so much effort into their designs, the class opted to create a collaborative work or of art.
A reminder that our trout fish will be released tomorrow (13/3/2019) at the Aurs Burn in the ABC park. Children will leave St Mark’s at approximately 10am. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather – waterproof jacket and wellies would be ideal. You are all most welcome to join us tomorrow – either meet us at the school office or the park.
Many thanks.
We shared all our learning so far. The childrenĀ had created a Powerpoint and included photos of the journey of the fish so far. They showcased their stop motion videos displaying their perception of Clyde in the Classroom.
Following a discussion with our Scientist Paul, the trout will be released next Wednesday.
Good afternoon
All homework has been posted online – spelling can be accessed via Google classroom and Numeracy activities are available via Education City. Please encourage your child to access these at home or during early bird club in school.
We are now introducing all the classes and SLT to our fish. Today we created a timetable which will allow all children to visit the hatchery before we release our trout into the Aurs burn. The children in the class are acting as “tour guides” and have been sharing all of their learning with their school mates. Lots of children volunteered for this role – such Confident Individuals – well done to them all.
We have not yet been given a date for the release of the trout but when we know we will send out a tweet. Parents/carers will be most welcome to join us for this big event. I’m sure the children will also be sharing any updates at home.
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