Health week in P6a

P6a were delighted to receive a visit from one of our parents, Frankie. She spoke to us about Mental Health and ways that we could support each other  as good friends. The children worked together to create posters, slogans and GIFs showing ways we can look out for our peers. Many thanks Frankie and Mrs Guy for your help.

School fayre

P6a have been creating tote bags from old T-shirts to stop them going to landfill and reuse the material. They will be available to buy at the school fayre for £1 each or 2 for £1.50.

Today we worked in pairs and trio’s to “guess” their number. We used lots of strategies to find out the number including squared numbers, squared roots and percentage based questions.

P6a had lots of fun yesterday exploring different types of technology during National Digital Learning week. We particularly enjoyed the Shark experience on the VR headsets. Well done to our digital leaders Maab, Laura and Callum for all their work to organise such a great experience. Such Effective Contributors.