For maths week we received a visit from a nurse who explained how she used maths in context in her real life job and how important this was to her patients and her multidisciplinary team.
The children had learned to create a SWAY presentation or a powerpoint based upon their science topic of the power and uses of water.
They began to share them with the class this week and will continue to do so over the next few weeks until all children have presented their work.
Primary 6a began to read “Street child” by Berlie Doherty as their class novel. This is related to their Victorians topic. In literacy we have been looking at adjectives as part of our grammar lessons and characterization as a reading skill. The children worked co-operatively to create character descriptions of some of the characters we have been introduced to so far in the novel.
Well done to Artur who created an amazing Victorian factory at home from recycled material. He kindly brought this in to share with the class.