NNC Friday Bundle 14.01.22

Good afternoon everyone

We’ve really enjoyed listening to the squeals of delight, laughter and fun that the children have had during their first full week back.

Dressing for Nursery
We would ask that your child dresses in layers for coming to nursery for both indoor and outdoor play. A cardigan, hoodie or jumper over a top, dress or t-shirt can be easily removed should your child become too warm indoors. Windows are open in both buildings throughout the day to provide adequate ventilation and reduce the risk of infection.  For outdoor play wellies/boots, a warm jacket/waterproof suit, hat and gloves are the most suitable outdoor clothing for nursery as children often explore and experiment with mud, ice and water.  Thank you.

Chinese New Year
Some school staff and a group of pupils are currently planning activities for us to learn about and celebrate Chinese New Year. Do you and your family celebrate Chinese New Year? If so, would you be willing to share what you do to mark this occasion? This could be by providing some photographs, sharing a video or even speaking to classes over Google Meet. If you are interested, please email Mr Bryce using SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk who will be delighted to speak with you.  Thank you for helping us to learn more about, and celebrate, the range of cultures that make up the Netherlee community.

Coronavirus Guidance
In order to help you with information on testing requirements and isolation procedures, my office team have provided some clear, bulleted information points for you with steps to be taken. I hope you find this information helpful.   You can find out how to stay safe and protect your family and the people around you by clicking on the link:  parentclub.scot/topics/coronavirus.

Learning Links
The latest weekly ‘Learning Links’ is in your child’s Google Classroom. Our ‘Learning Links’ gives an insight into some of the play experiences your child may choose to engage in while at nursery. If you require Glow Login details or need any help with accessing Google Classroom, please just let us know.

Application for P1 Places
We would like to remind you that applications for all children who are due to start P1 in August 2022 need to be made via the East Renfrewshire Council website before 21 January 2022. If you intend to defer your child’s entry to P1 you are still required to make an application for P1 and also complete the deferral application.  The links to apply for a primary 1 place and also a deferral application are available on the council website by clicking the link: https://eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/apply-for-p1

Email Communication 
We would kindly ask that when emailing the nursery, that you email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.  This is to ensure messages get passed onto the correct people as quickly as possible.

Parent Council December Meeting Highlights
Please click on the following link which will take you to the Parent Council’s December Meeting Highlights.

New Parenting Programme
We have been asked to share that an online Psychology of Parenting Programme (PoPP) is starting at the end of January.  PoPP helps parents develop strategies to support their children’s behaviour and development. PoPP can give you simple tips to help manage the big and small challenges of family life such as tantrums, bedtime routines or fussy eating.  For more information, or to book a place, call Samantha on 07393752548 or email Popp@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

Have a lovely weekend.


Yvonne Donaldson (HT & Angela Kerr (PT)