Friday Bundle 10/12/2021

Hello everyone

Attachments this week:

PC Meeting Agenda 15.12.21

Firstly, please see an exciting message below from our House Councillors:

Dear Parents and Carers,
We are very excited to let you know that we have planned our first WINNING HOUSE EVENT which will take place on Friday 17th December. The overall winning house for this term will be announced at our assemblies next week and then we will share the exciting news about what we have planned for them as a reward. It’s going to be so much fun!  All pupils who are members of the winning house (but only them J), can wear their house coloured top next Friday too.
Thank you very much,  Netherlee’s P7 House Councillors

Parent Council Meeting (All Parent and Carers are Very Welcome)
The next Parent Council Meeting will take place, virtually, on Wednesday 15th December at 7pm.  You can see the agenda, as well as information about how you can come along, by clicking on this link here.

Early Finish on Wednesday 22nd December
School will close slightly earlier than usual on this day.  P1 and P2 will finish at 2.15pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm.

P1 and P2 parents only, please note that we had always intended to review the staggered, earlier exit times for our P1 and P2 children in January, as things had steadily been getting back to a more normal way of life.  We had hoped to be able to let you know that we were shortening the gap for this from the start of next term.  However, in light of the uncertainty around the new Covid Variant, we will continue with the current times (P1 and P2 at 3pm) for the first two days back (5th and 6th) and will then hopefully be able to confirm with you, fingers crossed, that we can indeed reduce the staggered period.  Please be reassured however that we will require to still have a short staggered element for P1 and P2 leaving at the end of the day.

Car Parking
I would respectfully remind everyone that the staff car park should only be used by Netherlee staff. As you will understand, Netherlee is a very large school and nursery and the car park is only just large enough to accommodate staff cars.  Unfortunately, in recent weeks there has been an increasing number of parents, carers, or extended family members, parking in the staff car park either in disabled bays or in front of the fire exit near the kitchen and Gym Hall doors, or very close to the gate, making it extremely difficult to exit the car park safely.

Car parking for visitors and parents/carers is available in the Netherlee Pavilion Car Park. I have been asked to highlight the increasingly concerning situation where-
a large number of parents are dropping off or collecting children before and after school but, instead of parking in a parking bay at the Pavilion, they are pulling up and stopping at the corner nearest to the school. This causes a line of cars, which can be 4/5 deep, in front of the parking bays, therefore making getting out of the parking bay difficult and this in itself causes congestion as bays are occupied for longer than they require to be. 

The Pavilion Car Park does not belong to the school, or nursery, and we therefore have no jurisdiction over its use however, I would ask everyone to be very mindful of parking safely and considerately there too.

P7 Transition Visits to WWHS
We have been advised that our P7s will have two inductions days where the children will attend at Williamwood.  These will take place on the 8th and 9th June, with more information to follow in the coming months.  There will also be an information night for parents, however date and times are still to be confirmed and we will let you know this information as soon as we have it.

Festive Fun 
We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our P2 parents to the Outdoor Classroom to hear their excited, happy children sing some lovely festive songs and we can’t wait to do the same with our P1 children and parents next week too.  Thank you to the PTA for contributing towards the cost of the Christmas parties and also our Winning House Event next Friday.

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher