Friday Bundle 11.06.21

Hello again everyone,

I hope you found your child’s parent teacher discussion helpful and this, combined with your child’s report, have provided you with useful and reassuring information around how your child is getting on in school.  From our end, the video system seems to have worked very well indeed and been a positive tool for conducting our parent meetings at this time.  As always, I would be very interested if you have any feedback that you would like to share with me, please do just get in touch.

– We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the new children from nursery who will join us in school in P1 in August.  They have been truly amazing and came into school ready to meet their new teacher and friends.  They had a lovely time and it was heart-warming to see their happy, settled, smiling faces as they briefly visited their classroom, played outdoors and even had a garden picnic too!
P7 to S1– Our P7 pupils have also had two full day visits (Thursday and Friday) to Williamwood HS this week and we can’t wait to hear all about how they got on when they return to Netherlee on Monday.  I am sure they will have lots of exciting news to share with us and they will also have a great week ahead as they take part in a carefully planned “Activity Week” which my staff have organised for them, as an alternative to their week long residential trip which unfortunately couldn’t take place this year.
STAGE to STAGE– I am currently in the process of carefully matching teachers to classes for next session and I intend to share this information with all parents next Friday (18th) if I can.  I am also very pleased that, this year, we can also resume the valuable transition activity of pupils having the opportunity to meet their new teacher for August, in person, on Tuesday 22nd June.

This Saturday there will be a FREE bike marking event at Rouken Glen Park. This will be an opportunity for anyone (children or adults) to take their bike along to be marked and registered. Registering your bike helps police and retailers identify and verify the legitimate owner of bikes that have been stolen or are being resold.  Rouken Glen Park @ The Pavilion   Saturday 12th June 2021, 1030-1600.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher