All posts by Miss Cumming

Sport Relief in Mearns Primary

We are getting fit and healthy for charity and we are learning about different Olympic sports.  P7 have planned activites based around Olympic sports and all classes will get a chance to take part 

supervised and assisted by P7 and Pupil Council volunteers.  Please bring a donation on the day to help raise money for those who are less fortunate in the UK and Developing World.  A certificate for the best effort in each class will be presented.

Multicultural Evening

Multicultural Evening – Thursday 22 March from 6.30pm

As we are fast approaching one of the biggest world sporting events to be held in the UK, the Olympics, our evening will have an Olympic theme including:

  • Pupils, teachers, parents and members of the community holding a ‘World Market’ area in The Street.  You will be able to find out information about many different Olympic countries and sample food from around the world.
  • The Connecting Classrooms, ‘Connecting Kitchens’ recipe book produced by children in  Mearns Castle cluster schools, in conjunction with our Indian partner pupils, will be on sale.
  • There will be a pamper area where you can sample henna painting, hair braiding and many other activities.
  • Barry Cook, Senior Active Schools Coordinator has organised a variety of Olympic sport sessions to take place in the PE hall.  You will have the opportunity to take part in taster sessions of these activities.
  • An Olympic Opening Ceremony will take place on the stage.  This will involve bagpipe playing, dance displays including Scottish, Bollywood and a traditional Jewish dance. 

Please visit the Information section and letters section of this website for further information.

East Renfrewshire Cross Country Championships 2012

Well done to all pupils who competed in the recent East Renfrewshire Cross Country Championships:

 Calum P7.28, Gregor  P7.27, Jack  P6.22, Martin  P6.22, Erin  P7.28, Lauren  P7.28, Emily  P7.28 and Amy P6.22.

 Our fantastic results were:

 Girls’ Individual:        First Place – Erin P7.28

                                           Third Place – Lauren  P7.28

In the overall team results, the girls’ team were placed first and the boys’ team came sixth.

 Medals will be sent to school and we will present these at an assembly.