P5 Ceilidh on Thursday – Tickets still available

We are pleased to inform you that the Primary 5 pupils and the PTA have been planning a fabulous Family Ceilidh. We hope to entertain you by reciting famous Burns poetry and singing some of his most popular songs. We will also be serving a traditional Scottish meal of haggis, neeps and tatties. To conclude our evening, a live ceilidh band will be playing and we would like you to join us in some Scottish dancing!

Our Family Ceilidh evening will take place on Thursday 14 January in the ‘Street’ in Mearns Primary School from 7pm until 9pm. We are planning to sell family tickets for the cost of £10. This will admit two adults and two children to the event.   As 4 tickets per child is the maximum allocation, please note that only one family ticket can be purchased per pupil.  If you wish to purchase individual tickets rather than a family ticket, the cost will be £3 per ticket.

The tickets will be on sale from Wednesday, 6 January at 4pm. The deadline for ticket sales will be on Monday, 11 January at 11pm. Tickets can be purchase through the online booking system as follows:



Please bring the confirmation e-mail of your booking to the Ceilidh as this is effectively your ticket(s). Please also notify us in advance if you require seats to be reserved for any members of the audience who would have difficulty with access.



Payment should be made online by visiting the school website:




and clicking on the pay icon, taking care to select the appropriate School. You can also access payments through the Council website and click on Payments 4 Schools. The reference number requested will be your child’s Scottish Candidate Number, previously issued and used for school meals and clubs.

We would hope that you will be able to join us on Thursday 14 January for this fun family event.

Yours sincerely,


Kathryn Gordon

Acting Principal Teacher