Hello Mearns Primary School Community,
Clean Air Project
The Eco Committee and Joint Road Safety Officers have started a new project called Clean Air. In this project we are aiming to make the air around our school cleaner. Poor air quality can affect your health. As the number of cars on the roads is increasing, the number of cases of childhood asthma is also rising.
Over the next four weeks we will be monitoring our car parks to encourage cars not to idle and park sensibly. We will report our results weekly.
An air monitor will be installed on a lamppost in the school car park for four weeks. The air quality will be monitored and analysed at the end of the four weeks it is hoped that we notice an improvement in the quality of the air around our school.
In classes Eco Reps will be conducting weekly surveys to see how pupils travel to school. Hopefully at the end of the four weeks we will see an increase in the numbers of pupils who actively travel to school.
What can you do?
- Over the next month please use active methods of travel to come to school – even on one day each week. Try parking and striding, scooting, cycling or walking. If you live near a friend you could car share.
- Don’t idle – switch off your engine when your car is stationary.
- Park safely in our school car park.
By Lewis P7.25 and Mubeen P7.27