PTA Summer Fayre – Help Required

We are very short of helpers for the Summer Fayre on Saturday 21st May 12-3pm

We currently don’t have enough volunteers to run the craft room, sell raffle tickets, Tombola, Hook a Duck, Nails & Tattoos.  We also need another adult volunteer to help with the sports. 

We are also short of helpers to set up on Friday any time between 3.30pm – 8pm

 If you can help please contact Janet Olverman 07852202416 or

 Please help to make our Summer Fayre a wonderful success.

 Raffle & Tombola Donations

If you wish to make a donation for the Raffle or Tombola, please hand them into the office by Friday 20th May.

 Raffle Tickets

If you wish to purchase a raffle ticket prior to the fayre please make sure you hand your ticket stubs and money into the school office by Friday.

 Think Science Tickets

If you wish to secure a place at one of the very popular Think Science shows on Saturday please send your ticket requests in by Friday. 

Tickets will be available for purchase on the day if places are still available.  Please note these shows are open to all children attending the fayre not just Mearns Primary.

 PLEASE NOTE: We are not planning to sell Nearly New Toys or Home Baking at the Summer Fayre

 Many thanks in advance for your support
