P2 Road to Rio Club

The P2 East Renfrewshire Road to Rio fitness club will resume this term and will run for a period of 7 weeks.


P2 Road to Rio will take place on a Wednesday from 12.45pm – 1.15pm in the PE Hall.  It will commence on Wednesday, 20 January and run until Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at a cost of £11.


We are looking for an expression of interest from pupils who wish to participate in the forthcoming sessions.  Interested pupils should complete the undernoted slip and return this by Monday, 11 January.


Please do not make any payment at this stage.  Letters will be issued in due course, confirming if your child has a space in this club.


Yours sincerely


Angela O’Connor


Angela O’Connor

Principal Teacher





Mearns Primary School

P2 Road to Rio Club


Child’s Name…………………………………………………………………


Class ……………………………….



I confirm that my child is interested in attending the above club.




Signed …………………………………………………………………………….