Extra Curricular Clubs

Week commencing Monday, 1 December to Friday, 4 December 2015 will be the last week this term for most of our extra-curricular activities.  ER Sports Clubs have already finished as their coaching sessions started earlier in the term.  The exceptions to clubs finishing this week are:

Senior Choir – will continue as per the rehearsal schedule issued to Choir members.

P6-P7 Panto Club – will continue as per the rehearsal schedule issued to Panto Club members.

Craft Club – will finish on Monday, 7 December

Science Club – will finish on Monday, 14 December

Scripture Union – will finish on Tuesday, 8 December

P5 German Club – will finish on Tuesday, 15 December

P4 Singing Club – will finish on Wednesday, 16 December

P3 Singing Club – will finish on Thursday, 10 December

Details regarding clubs will also be posted on our school website as undernoted, or click on our link and keep up to date with school events on twitter.



Yours sincerely

Angela O’Connor, Principal Teacher