P7 Classes of 76-77, 77-78, 78-79 – Reunion

Mrs Dillon-Ruddy recently received this letter…
I am a former pupil of Eastwood High School and following a recent visit to the ‘Farewell’ event held in the old school, a small group of us have decided to organise a school reunion to be held this year. It has now been 30 years since we left 6th year at Eastwood which means I was in the year group that started 1st year in 1978 ( we were the first 1st year the school had ever had when it turned fully comprehensive) . The reunion is centred around this year group, taking in the year above and the year below.
The response has been great, however we are looking for more contacts within our group from Mearns PS. This would be your primary 7 classes of 76-77, 77-78, 78-79. I am quite sure that there will be parents and grandparents within your school community who will know some of these pupils .
Is there any way that you could spread the word, perhaps through your news letter or website to inform them of this event? We are keen to ensure that all our primary school communities are represented.
The event is on the afternoon of Sunday 4th May 2014 (the early May bank holiday weekend) at the Redhurst Hotel in Giffnock.
Our main social media-site address is https://www.facebook.com/groups/493027270810375
We also have a web address http://www.eastwoodclass78-84.org
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Gillian Robson nee Drennan ( former Head Girl of EHS and pupil of Mearns Primary School)

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