Castle Toward Day 5

There were a lot of bleary eyes around the breakfast table this morning as the excitement and energy of the week begins to catch up with everyone. After cereal, toast, orange juice and tea, we made our sandwiches for the last time and the ‘cleaner-uppers’ did their final tidy up of the two dining rooms.  After that we were sent back to our dorms to begin packing, stripping our beds, hoovering and tidying in preparation for dorm inspections by the instructors at 10am.

 When our rooms were tidy, we got our dorm photos taken and went to our meeting rooms for our final debrief and review of the week with our instructors. We were pleased to receive our certificates as recognition of our achievements during the week, and after a final clear up of the boot rooms and equipment stores, we headed to the Green Room to for the presentation of a certificate to Mearns Primary and to thank our instructors. Then we all gathered outside on the lawn for a whole group photo. After trying to identify and collect as many items of lost property from the Green Room as we could, we had some time to enjoy our packed lunches and chat with our friends.

The coaches arrived and at noon we lugged our suitcases down the stairs ready for loading on to the buses. It was great to see all our instructors gathered outside the Castle to wave goodbye. Cheers rang out as the buses pulled out, heading along the gravelly path, past the Nissan Hut boot room, past the bamboo plantation, past the high ropes and the Catwalk, past the mudpits that led down to the gorge and onto the coastal road back to Dunoon.

Adam (P7.28) said, “I really enjoyed myself at Castle Toward and I feel that I pushed myself to do the best I could in every activity.” Michael (P7.26) summed up his experiences of the week by saying, “I had fun and would recommend going on outdoor adventures like those we took part in at Castle Toward to my family and friends. I will have great memories of this week.”


The buses arrived back safely at Mearns Primary School this afternoon. Everyone collected their cases and went off home with family and friends, talking animatedly about their experiences. It has been a fantastic week!