Castle Toward – Day 1

Hello and welcome to our Castle Toward 2012 blog. Here you will find daily updates on all our adventures from Castle Toward throughout this week.

 Day 1 – Monday 10th September

The atmosphere in the Street before leaving was amazing; everyone stood around with family and friends, chatting excitedly and hovering beside their cases. Soon it was time to board the bus for Castle Toward 2012!

 “I was a wee bit nervous in the Street but at the same time I was excited because I knew I would have lots of fun and adventures at Castle Toward,” said Connor  (P7.25). “I sat with Lewis and Stephen on the bus. We chatted and played card games.”

 The buses travelled along the motorway to Gourock, where we caught the ferry over to Dunoon and on to Castle Toward. “As soon as I had loaded my case on the bus, I headed straight to the back to sit with my friends. We were all really excited and were singing songs. I played card games with Elliot,” said Scott  (P7.27). “When we arrived at Castle Toward we had to pick up any case from the bus, put it in the White Room and then go to the Green Room where we met the instructors and found out who would be in our dorms. We were given a demonstration on how to make up our own beds!”

Connor’s first impressions of the castle were that it was “really big; there was so much space! I was so excited and I couldn’t wait for the activities to begin.”

 Carrie  (P7.26) and her friends enjoyed getting into the castle and getting settled. “We discussed rules in the Green Room and got our wellies and waterproofs sorted. The castle itself was big and tidy. I was so excited about doing our activities.”

 Amy  (P7.25) describes the afternoon’s activities. “After lunch of baked potato and tuna, beans, cheese and salad, we went for a walk with our activity teams. Our team went for a walk through lots of mud and had a shot on a rope swing. Then we went down to the beach where we were skimming stones and paddling in the water. We found a crab claw and leg. On our way back we played a spider web team game and a ‘screaming game’ where you had to run as far as you can in one scream! After that we had a fire drill and dinner, which was pasta and meatballs and apple crumble with cream. All groups then headed out for the night hike. For the night hike you had to follow a rope which led us through a swamp. For most people the water went in their wellies but I was fortunate that it didn’t go in mine.”

 After a quick supper, everyone went up to their dorms to get ready for bed. It had been a great start to our week at Castle Toward!