Meet the Teacher Evening – Thursday 30 August 6.30pm-7.30pm

Meet the Teacher Evening will take place on Thursday, 30 August 2012 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Following suggestions from parents, last year we changed sign in procedures.  This appeared to be successful and we would ask you to sign in on arrival at your child’s classroom. 

 This evening is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher, look at some of the resources they will use this year and find out about the type of work they will experience in numeracy and literacy.  Context for learning in other curricular areas will be shared with parents.  Homework Guides for Parents will be issued.  There will also be some booklets to help support your children’s learning on display.  Copies of these can be requested by parents.  We look forward to welcoming many parents and hope you will be able to attend during this time. 

 It is an informal event and you do not need to be there for the full hour.  Just come when you can and visit your child’s classroom where the teacher will be present.

 Please note that this is an information evening and is not the forum to ask about individual pupils. 

 There is an opportunity to do this at Parents’ Evening or at any time, by calling the school office to make an appointment with the Class Teacher or Depute Head Teacher.  I will be available on this evening, as will Depute Head Teachers and Shashi Gillan, our Bilingual Support Worker.  Mrs Gillan will be available in the Conference Room for any families who wish to speak to her.