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Big Bird Bake Off


This term, we have been learning different ways we can help care for our environment. The children took part in a very special ‘bake off’ where all the food produced was enjoyed not by the children, but by their ‘feathered friends’ around the nursery grounds. With the help of Karen from Starling Learning we worked hard to produce these bird friendly feasts. We left our bird cakes in our nursery grounds for the birds to enjoy and we are looking forward to seeing if they come and try our delicious bird cakes. The children also learned about different mini-beasts and enjoyed searching for them in the nursery gardens, using magnified bug containers.

You can see how much fun we had  in the photographs below:



‘Showing off our fantastic bird cakes’





Lily and Amber working hard to roll their sticky cakes.





Oliver had great fun searching for different mini-beasts.





Ines enjoyed exploring the sounds the birds made.






Libby and Amber deciding the best place to put their bird cakes.






‘I found a slug under the  log’ Oscar