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This term we will be exploring how to grow plants and learn how to care for them. We are taking part in an exciting project to create our own nursery mini gardens. The children are currently planning a theme for each of our gardens and creating their design plans of what they are going to include.  We would love  to have any parents interested in joining us in the planting stages of these gardens.  Please speak to any member of staff for more details if you are interested.

The last couple of weeks we have been exploring what plants need to grow and what seeds look like through a variety of fun activities.

                          Libby investigating a dragon fruit.
Nathan enjoying exploring the plants in the investigation tray.
Karan has used different tools to remove the pepper seeds so she can look at them more carefully.
Edwin and Helen learning more about what plants are used for together.
Aadam and Nate having great fun with the ‘Grow the Plant’ game.



Parent Coffee Mornings

Nursery Coffee Mornings will be on the following dates:

Monday 24th of April at 9.00-9.30am and 1.00-1.30pm Blue Group

Tuesday 25th of April at   9.00-9.30am and 1.00-1.30pm Yellow Group

Wednesday 26th of April at 9.00-9.30am and 1.00-1.30pm Red Group

Please come and join us for a coffee and chat.


Campus Cop Visit


The  nursery children recently had a visit from our ‘Campus Cop’ Ryan. Ryan told us all about what he does in his job as a police officer.  We got to explore different parts of his uniform and we learned what he uses them for. We even had the opportunity to try on his hat and handcuffs!

                                Edwin trying on the handcuffs!


                             Adam trying on the policeman hat.


Spring Fitness Day

On Wednesday the 29th of March we will be having a Spring Fitness Day in nursery. The children will be participating in a variety of outdoor physical activities in the park  so please make sure your child is adequately dressed for outdoor physical play.  Fingers crossed for good weather!

All parents are welcome to attend.

Come and Play Days

Please come and join us for our Come and Play Days . This is an opportunity to come and have some fun  joining  in learning with your child in the nursery environment.

The dates for these are :

Monday the 13th of March from 9-10am and 1-2pm.


Friday the 17th of March from  9-10am and 1-2pm.

Block 5

This fortnight we have begun our new learning  block.

We are learning to identify our  5 senses and use them to explore the world around us.

 We are investigating the main parts of the human body and learning about  some of their functions. We are enjoying  exploring  what our bodies need to keep fit and healthy.

 We are developing our awareness  of how routines and events in our world link with times and seasons.

For example, using our daily calendars and timetables to familiarise ourselves with daily routines in the nursery environment and in our homes.   We will be exploring different ways of measuring and recording time with timers, clocks and watches.

We love listening to stories at nursery with our friends. To help us develop our understanding of  stories we are encouraged to ask questions and make links between what we are learning with what we already know.

We are having lots of opportunities to explore painting with different tools and investigating colour mixing.  We are loving how messy and great fun it can be both inside and outside!





Week Beginning 20.2.16

We have had a very busy week. Have a look at some of the things we have been learning and exploring!

We have been learning hot to control the beebot using the arrow buttons.
We have been learning how to control the beebot using the arrow buttons.
Amber and Rio using their rhyming skills and directing beebot to the correct rhyming picture.
Amber and Rio using their rhyming skills to direct beebot to the correct rhyming picture.
Humnah and Alex enjoying developing their mark making skills in our new snuggly seat.
Enjoying developing their mark making skills in our new snuggly seat.
Oscar created a skull x ray.
Oscar created a skull x ray.
Millie concentrating hard on making an xray picture of her arm.
Millie concentrating hard on making an xray picture of her arm.

We had great fun developing our finger strength using different playdough tools.



Suzanne introduced us to a variety of different fruits. We enjoyed tasting some we hadn’t tried before!

Looks yummy Ines!
Looks yummy Ines!
Abigail helping to cut up the fruit.
Abigail helping to cut up the fruit.

We have been developing our literacy skills in a variety of different ways.

Isla and Evey had a great time playing I Spy together and developing their awareness of letter sounds.
Isla and Evey had a great time playing I Spy together and developing their awareness of letter sounds.
Aviyah is practising putting the letters in alphabetical order.
Aviyah is practising putting the letters in alphabetical order.
Murtaza has been practising writing his name.
Murtaza has been practising writing his name.

We are continuing to enjoy exploring  position and direction and the different forms of water. We had a super time using the tubes to make the water go in different directions.


We celebrated Ibrahim’s birthday this week.

Happy Birthday Ibrahim!
Happy Birthday Ibrahim!


Forest Schools


From Week Beginning February 20th we will be having Forest School sessions twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each child will have the opportunity to go out for a Forest School session weekly. The children have been split into four groups for Forest School sessions. Please check the nursery notice board to see what group  your child is in and what day your child will be going out.

Please Note: Thursday the 16th of February will be the Red Group’s Forest School session as normal.