
This term we will be exploring how to grow plants and learn how to care for them. We are taking part in an exciting project to create our own nursery mini gardens. The children are currently planning a theme for each of our gardens and creating their design plans of what they are going to include.  We would love  to have any parents interested in joining us in the planting stages of these gardens.  Please speak to any member of staff for more details if you are interested.

The last couple of weeks we have been exploring what plants need to grow and what seeds look like through a variety of fun activities.

                          Libby investigating a dragon fruit.
Nathan enjoying exploring the plants in the investigation tray.
Karan has used different tools to remove the pepper seeds so she can look at them more carefully.
Edwin and Helen learning more about what plants are used for together.
Aadam and Nate having great fun with the ‘Grow the Plant’ game.