Autumn Time Fun

The children have been noticing the autumn leaves changing on the trees and falling on the ground.  We decided to explore this at nursery this term as well as enjoying some Halloween activities.

Room on the Broom Playdough fun – using kitchen tools to explore patterns in green sparkly playdough
Teamwork to complete the Room on the Broom jigsaw
Role play with characters from the ‘Room on the Broom’ bookbag. How many people can we fit on a broomstick?
Making potions in the orange water

In the reading corner this week, the children read the story ‘The Rollaway Pumpkin’ which they watched on the ipad.  They enjoyed retelling the story using mini-figures and drawing the main events on a large roll of paper.

The Rollaway Pumpkin by Junia Wonders
Using the mini-figures to retell the story
The children had the idea to use a real pumpkin and roll it down a ‘hill’ from the construction area.
Cosy tent reading area lit up with fairy lights

Great news – the roof has been fixed and the climbing frame and sandpit are open again! They have been much enjoyed by the children especially since the weather has not been so nice for playing outside.

Lost Property

The lost property basket is filling up again. Please take a minute to have a rummage through it and claim back anything that is yours! 🙂