Outdoor Play

Welcome to the first Nursery Blog for the session 2017-2018! Please check in each week to get an idea of some of the things we have been learning and to see some photos of our learning experiences.

We have had a great start to the year and are welcoming new children on a daily basis. We have spent the first few weeks getting settled in to the amazing new building and all getting to know each other.

We have really enjoyed exploring the outdoor space – in the sunshine and in the rain!


Balance Bikes

We have a large selection of Balance Bikes for the children to develop their cycling skills on.


Stepping Stones  

We can practise our balancing skills on the Stepping Stones.




Water Pump/Mud Kitchen

The outdoor tap isn’t quite working yet, so some of the boys had the idea of collecting rain water from the drainpipe. The bowl filled up in seconds! It was a great idea 😊