Tag Archives: Tim Bowler

Out and about …

As librarians are wont to do, I wandered off to the Mitchell Library to meet with 4 yes 4 count em, teen fiction authors.

Heading the bill on equal status were * insert drum roll here* –

Tom Bowler
Sally Prue
Gillian Cross and
Geraldine McCaughrean.

All brought together by their publisher OUP on a roadshow to talk about teen novels and their new books.

The Jeffrey Library tucked in the attic of the beautiful Mitchell library was the perfect setting for us to get up close and personal with the authors, all of whom took time to read from their books, discuss their characters and inspirations and answers lots of rather good questions.

There was a real mix of genres on show – from prehistoric mammoth fighting to mystical visions to crumbling seaside town ghosts to the collapse of life in the Uk as we know it. A juicy melange of writing.

There was an opportunity for chatting and mingling after the formal procedures and I was lucky enough to ask Geraldine to sign a couple of books.

Look out for a library competition to win one!

Great evening, great books and great company.

Off to see John Green on Friday… will report back on that next week.