Tag Archives: superhero

Is it a bird, is it a Plane no it’s Genre Boy (AKA Frankie)

If you are ever lost in the library?

Not sure what to choose?

Feeling left out?

Then do not fear young learner there is a superhero at hand to save you fom your boredom – yes it’s Genreboy!

Thanks to the hard work of some lovely pupils from Mrs. Quinn’s English class our hard working superhero took shape.

Never feel alone again!

Thanks Frankie 😉 for being our model

Librarians are superheros

Of course, you all knew that but did you know that Batgirl was a librarian?

Unfortunately, most of you will never reach super hero status but do not dispair there is a web site out there to help you.


Using this free super dooper site you can create your own goodie or dun dun dun baddie.
E-mail me your best work and I might just pop it up on this very website.