Tag Archives: online

Psst? Wanna find a book?


Recently I have been asked by a HUGE number parents, teachers and pupils about how to go about finding the right book.

 Obviously  asking me is always the best option but for those days when I am working elsewhere or those things called weekends and holidays who can you turn to?

There is no magic wand but there are web sites that can help!





Achuka: www.achuka.co.uk/blog/

Book Buzz: www.booktrust.org.uk/books/bookfinder/

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/

SBT: www.scottishbooktrust.com/

Guardian Books: www.theguardian.com/books

Books For Keeps: http://booksforkeeps.co.uk/

Love4Reading: www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/

Common sense media: www.commonsensemedia.org/website-lists



Then see if we have it:


Remember to edit by location


Top tips:

Pick more than one book or even create a reading list online

Don’t like it – don’t keep reading – plenty more books out there

Five finger rule – find five words on the first page you don’t understand – perhaps the book is too hard.. for now

We don’t have it and you want to read it? Tell me and then tell me again and keep telling me till I buy it!

Librarian recommendation are ALWAYS the best,

Mrs Baird

Great web site

Are you on information overload?
Too much for your tiny little head to handle?
I recommend you take a few minutes to look at LiveBinder

This is a great site where you can keep all your online information in the same place – web sites, youtube videos, pdfs you name it if it’s online you can collate it here.

It is so simple to set up and incredibly useful once you get going.
need any help?
Come and see me and if you create a great page on one of your school topics let me know so that I can share it with others….


Well, is that what a Facebook for books should be called?

Lucky for us it’s not and there is a great social networking site called GOOD READS. With over 10 millions users from all across the globe it is the home of the biggest bookgroup in the world.

I have created a tiny little corner in Good Reads for pupils to come and share their favourite books or warn the rest of us to stay away from real stinkers.

It’s called Saint Ninians Bibliophiles and if you or your friends are interested in joining then please just pop in to the library and I can show you how.

A book group where you can read what you want and when you want sounds just about right to me, so, join up, you don’t know what you are missing!

The group is by invitation only so no sneaking!