Tag Archives: internet


So, why would 250 teenagers pay £12 to go to the Royal Concert Hall on a Friday night?

Waiting on the main man err men um man?

To see a great band? To ogle some teen heart throb in a bad hat with an odd haircut who autotunes their way through some else’s songs?… erm no actually to meet a nerdfighting author.

Yep, it was an evening of fun and frolick and face slapping ( Hank won this time so John got it in the kisser from his baby bro) with an author who is somethig of a teen phenomenon both on and off line.

This was an “awesome” ( if you know his boooks you know why I say that) evening with the one and only John Green and his brother Hank.
If you have not heard of John Green where have you been?

Check out his web site about his books.


Check out his youtube channel (though you might want to turn down the volume – it’s a noisy affair)


Try the Crash course yourtube channels for information on History, the world, politics and literature


Or even roll with his tumbl for his fishing boat proceeds


This man is the epitome of geek chic and his books are not bad either.

He was here to promote and chat about his book The Fault is in their Stars. It is a beautiful and emotional ( dare you not to blub) story of young teenage cancer sufferers. He said he tried to make it funny but from the comments from the audience I guess he failed.

This is the guy who makes it OK to be brainy, this is the guy who thinks there is something awesome in everyone and this is the guy who thinks it’s cool to read fiction and non-fiction and this is the guy who chats to the president of the USA and this is the guy you missed seeing on Friday night!

Flip it!

The most popular magazine at the moment in the library is FLIPSIDE.
If you are a regular library used you will find it in the manga/graphic novel section of the library.

It is jam-packed with pictures and articles on movies and books and TV shows and gadgets and music and and and and and….

If your bi-monthly does of the magazine is not enough to sate your techie appetites then why not pop on to their equally great web site?

There you will find lots of other articles and perhaps even a competition or two you might want to enter.

Let me know how you get on!

Retro-gaming site


Is the type of web site that the terms “back in the day” and Old Skool” were coined for.

Show this to any geeky adult over 25 and you might hear a gentle wistful sigh of a lost youth or a Christmas present promised but never delivered.
THIS is how hand held gaming should be – none of your fancy 4 core processors or detailed graphics or 3-Dish ness. This is when pixels rules and blips and beeps were music to the ears.
So, dive into digital history and save the princess or avoid the log or eat the ghost and most of all enjoy!

Social Bookmarking – 2 ways to organise

Yes, yes we all know about social networking – blah blah Facebook,yadda yadda twitter and how super useful they are to tell random people on the Internet that you like soup!

But an actually useful web site or actually couple of web sites (well, I have been on holiday) are delicious and for you visual learners out there Pearltrees.


Saving your favourites can be cumbersome and time consuming. The bookmarking element means that you can pop a little widget at the top of your screen and simply click on it whenever you find a site that is of use and the social element means you can link up with other people and share useful sites. You can tag and organise all your sites which makes it easier to search.