Tag Archives: book



This is the brain child of Gone author Michael Grant (who will be coming to Glasgow soonish for the Aye Write festival). If you have read his other books then BZRK will not be too much of a shock if you have not then be afraid probably very afraid!

This web site is a brilliant example of a growing trend in storytelling called “Transmedia” – which started as an academic term, coined by Henry Jenkins in his book Convergence Culture who said, “transmedia represents the integration of entertainment experiences across a range of different media platforms,” Jenkins defines transmedia as storytelling that “immerses an audience in a story’s universe through a number of dispersed entry points, providing a comprehensive and coordinated experience of a complex story.”

 One person has described the book as if “Stephen King had written Lord of the Flies”, this should give you an idea (or warning!) of what to expect.

I am planning something of my own transmedia project in the next few months based on The Hunger Games – so watch this web site for more information. Oh, and enjoy going BZRK!

Flip out over this brilliant read

What would you do?

Fourteen-year-old Alex Gray wakes up one morning to discover he’s not in his own bedroom. More surprising is that he doesn’t recognize his hands, or his legs… When he looks in the mirror he gets the shock of his life! How is it possible that Alex has become another boy – a boy who everyone calls Philip? And how have six whole months passed overnight? A riveting psychological thriller by a brilliant new voice in children’s books.

This is also on the long list for the Carnegie award.
Well worth getting your hands on, this fantastic read incorporates ideas that will linger with you long after you have reached THE END.

Hungry for a great read?

Twilight schmilight, Potter who?

The Hunger Games

THE big read of the summer is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Follow our heroine Katniss Everdeen in her life or death adventure in the arena – and you thought lunchtime in the forum was tough!

So, if you have not already taken the challenge get yourself into the library where, for a limited time only I am selling the first in this thrilling series for a measly £3 – saving you £4.99.


Avalon High Graphic Novel


The Merlin Prophecy

The Merlin Prophecy

The book is a graphic novel by Meg Cabot .The main character was Ellie and her boyfriend .Ellie has just joined a new school and already has the most popular boy in the school as her boyfriend and is really popular .The twist in the story is that her boyfriend is believed the be the reincarnation of prince Arthur of Camelot that has to save the world from darkness, its her responsibility to prepare him but he doubtful about him being the reincarnation.

I liked the effect that the graphic novel had and how it showed what the characters looked like and gave you a better feel it got me hooked quicker than normal books as I found it exciting and easier to read as I didn’t have to imagine what the scenes would look like .I thought the pictures were tremendous and really captured the characters personalities.


I also really liked the story. It was gripping and once I started reading I didn’t want to put the book down. Despite the story of the high school and her being the new girl it also had the story about Prince Arthur. It was rather like two stories in the one. I sympathized with the 2 main characters and felt anger towards the other jealous characters. Reading this book was over all an enjoyable experience.

Amelia S3