Wonder where to go with dytopian fiction?
Why not have a look at some of the suggestions here?
Wonder where to go with dytopian fiction?
Why not have a look at some of the suggestions here?
If you are in need of a festive fix then pop in to the library we are all baubled up.
Thanks to Holly (festive and creative) and Dominic who nurtured our annual hardback Christmas tree from tiny paperback acorns.
Little Dolph is back on top reading his own tiny book.
While you are in admiring the tree why not borrow something to read over the hols and watch your parent’s faint?
(remember reading burns up calories so it might just be the perfect excuse for cracking open another selection box – as if an excuse was ever needed!)
Book review – BORING!
Power Point- YAWN!
Why not take a look at Fakebook where you create a false Facebook account for your subject.
Just as with the real Facebook you will have to know about your character – age, interests, friends, pictures and movies etc
The more research you do in the beginning the better your fake will be!
Click on the link to take you to Fakebook
If you need information on how to create your account click here.
Ideally you should open both pages and work between them.
So, be creative and be smart and Fake it!
There is nothing better than schmoozing about Edinburgh other than schmoozing around the Edinburgh books festival.
Along, with a happy band of bibliophiles fom Woodfarm and Willaimwood our intrepid band of girlies ventures all the way along the motorway to the Valhalla of the written word – Edinburgh. ( with only one teensky little misshap on the way – pass the sick bag , if you please!)
Our first port of call was an invitation with the dead – well sort of – with the authors Alexander Gordon Smith and Susanne Winnaker to talk about zombies. Not always the best topic so soon after breakfast. We particularly liked the body bits left on stage (hopefully not belonging to the last audience members).
After a spot of lunch we made our way to the front row – yes nothing but the best for us, to hear from the lovely Sophie McKenzie and the dangerous Anne Cassidy. After the talk we rushed to the book tent to get our books signed and chat to the authors who were both really helpful and very friendly.
Back on to the bus and a safe trip home.
Comments from the trip?
Can we come back again next year?
Welcome to the school library @ St.Ninian’s High School.
We have over 7000 different resources from fiction to non-fiction from Manga to magazines and from PCs to printers.
The library is open from 8.30-4.00 Mon – Thurs and 8.30-3.45 on a Friday.(Note: this includes morning break and lunchtime everyday)
Please note that due to council changes the librarian will only be available every second week.
Pupils may borrow 2 books for up to 4 weeks. Pupils may also request items from any other library in East Renfrewshire giving our students access to over 100,000 items.
The library is managed and run by our fully qualified professional librarian; Mrs Baird, who is happy to answer questions regarding the library.
We also now have installed a self- service machine and it is hoped that all pupils will bring in their Young Scot/Library card to maximise usage.
If you are really stuck for a good read ask Mrs. Baird about a personalised reading list- this service is available to all students from all years.
So, there really is NO excuse not to pick up a good read.
Oh I do love a dystopian novel and POD by Stephen Wallenfels nestles rather well into this catergory but with aliens thrown in for good measure. A bit like a modern-day War of the Worlds – strangle alien POD things hover in the sky zapping (fun fact: In Dutch the book is called Zap) anyone who dares to come out of their house.
The story is split into two perspectives Meg trapped in a car park and Josh trapped in his house.
The tension is palpable and there are often moments where you truly think “What would I do?”. Despite the aliens the book feels strangely realistic or I wonder if that’s because we are so used to the notion of alien attack that the novel is breaking no new ground here.
If you are a little bit of a sensitive soul I would steer away from this as it has some quite shocking and a touch grisly scenes.
However, for those who are fans of Michael Grant and Susanne Collins I think you will be more than happy.
There is a real twist in the morality of the book as the aliens are not the only enemy in this desperate fight for survival.
So, if this sounds like your cup of literacy, pop into the library and pour yourself a POD. You could also check out his web site at
Mrs B.
The Rampage is a strange book with an unusual twist of events. Written by Ann Evans and part of a sequel it follows on from other books. Despite this, it is an easy to follow, intriguing read! I found the whole aspect and idea of the novel clever and descriptive. And even better, it is set in Scotland!
I like the way the writer makes you feel part of the bone shaking experience, and the story really touches on old prehistoric animals which is nice. This makes the book very unique and definitely not boring. Overall I would approve this read to all ages and would absolutely recommend the author to anyone.
Garrett S2
If you are looking for something new to read or some competitions to enter then pop along to the Scottish Book Trust web site.
If you find a brilliant read that we do not have here at St.Ninian’s please let me know and I will do my best to add it to our stock.
If you do visit the web site let me know what you thought of it or if you have your own favourite booky web site let me know and it might just feature on these pages!
It’s got pink on the front it’s got black on the front – must be for Goth girls…and well it kinda sorta is.
Girl with name shortened to boys name Rory (to make her funky and cool and hip I’m sure) comes alllllll the way from America to London to go to a posh school- happens all the time – hello Gossip Girl are you listening? And for the first 120 pages I was getting in to it… new school, quirky girl, potentially handsome but smart ( phew!) boyfriend, jolly hockeysticks and someone pretending to the Jack the Ripper – good work Maureen I thought so far so… oh oh and then the book goes all Buffy the Ghostieslayer and I, like a little library balloon, began to deflate.
Sure, the writing was still quirky and sometimes laugh out loud (or LOL for those under 21) but not quite for me. There are two more to this series and the ending did have a little amusing crackle to it BUT the books (my little library owl tells me) have been delayed twice; never a good sign and not sure if I am overly bothered by this.
HOWEVER, don’t just take my word on this quote from a pupil “I loved this – it was so cool can’t wait for the next ones”.
So, why not try it for yourself and see who you agree with OR even dun dun dun have your own opinion. Please let mw know I would really like to hear it.
Mrs B