Dystopian fiction is all the rage at the moment; taking over where the vampires all left off.
Obviously, the big blockbuster of the summer is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins but why not try something a little different?
The first couple of chapters lacked something of punch but stay with it as soon as her quest begins and we witness just how feisty and gutsy our heroine is the story moves along quite nicely.
There is a strong cinematic feel to this book and indeed if rumours are true it may indeed grace the big screen (though hold off on buying the popcorn yet it will be a year or two).
So, back to the book – once Saba is on her quest we meet a rag taggle bunch of heroes and anti-heroes. From a girl gang that would give the Mafia a run for their money to a pompous, vain and brutal King to a handsome hunk!
The author has used an interesting dialect which takes a few pages to get in to the swing of- unless, that is, you are Canadian.
This is another title on the long list for the Carnegie award and another that I think might make it to the short list.
A good read for those who read good!