Category Archives: What’s New?

Library Meeting

Today we had a super attendance for the meeting for new library assistants at St.Ninian’s.

Lots of pupils showed up to express an interest in helping out. I can not wait to get started and would like to say a big thanks to all those pupils who have agreed to help out in the library and by doing so help other libray users and the school.
Well done you!

Keep your eyes on this web site for more library assistant information and perhaps some articles by the assistants themselves!

Helping Hands

Are you a fan of the library and would like to help out?
The school library is currently looking for pupils from all year groups to come along and support their school library.
Can you spend a morning break or a lunchtime helping or even a free period or after school?

There will be a meeting for all those interested on Thursday 15th May from 12.45-55 in the Library.
Don’t worry if you can not make this time – just pop along to the library and speak to Mrs. Baird who will give you some information about what volunteering involves.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Display or Datplay?

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest librarian of them all?Two new lovely displays in the library for you to pop in and peruse at your leisure.
The first pays homage to all things fairy story ; so whether you are a damsel in distress or a very charming Prince or even a frog looking for a snog there is sure to be something for you to enjoy!

The second display pays homage to you dear readers and some of the brilliant reviews I have been getting from pupils in S1-S3. So, if you are not sure what to read next why not come in and see what others are sayiong about the books available in the library or why not have your say – just e-mail your review for a book (good or bad) and see if it pops up on our review wall.

New Windows

Nothing to do with Microsoft it’s the library windows I am on about.

The library wordled

If you have not been into the forum in the past few days you might have missed the beautiful additions to the library windows ( thanks to Techie dept and my creative ideas).

Come and admire

If you like them why not come in to the library and have a look at the others adorning the rest of the library?

The day we went BZRK!

There are a few things that make a school trip a great trip. One is great sandwiches and two is a great experience.

Run run away run now!

Unfortunately, there were no sandwiches at the Mitchell, well it is a library after all but what there was was (oh a double was!) an outstanding afternoon.

Fresh from the sunny beaches of California came Michael Grant author of the outstanding Gone series and the new BZRK! Series (which to be honest makes the Die Hard movies look like Tinkerbelle!).

Strategically placed beside where we though he would sign books (but later found out was only a publishers display … Bah!) we clung to the edge of our seats as Michael took us through his roller-coaster thrill ride of fiction.

“Do you base your characters on real people?” he was asked, “Nah,” he said is his U.S. drawl “real people are too limiting!”

One of the highlights was when he asked 2 pupils to come on to stage – “Imagine you are in a town with no food, none at all and you have not eaten for weeks.” Then he gave one pupil a mars bar and another a baseball bat and just grinned…eek!

Luckily no mars bars were damaged in the production.

Not for the faint hearted

All about thinking and provoking reaction Michael told us he wanted us to read what we had never read before and above all THINK!

“I am not a role model”, he continued “I am just a writer.”

A wealth of winners!

Congratulations to the following classes and individuals for all their hard work.

    Book of the Future Competition winners:

Ines and Conor

Runners up:
Aleena, Dominic and Ali-Farhan.

Well done to Mrs Kerr’s English class on winning the S1 Giamuncus World Book Day Quiz.

Another super dooper well done to Ms Cox’s S1 English class who won the Euro-Reader reading scheme. High praise also to Ms Francisco-Suarez’s class who came a close second!

Aye Write and Michael Grant

How would you like to meet an author and not just any author but hit US author Michael Grant?

If your first thought is Who? Then skip this page. If your first thought is ” I would eat my own sock to see this man” then come and see me in the library by Friday 25th to secure a place. It should only cost about £3 and will take place at the Mitchell Library in sunny Glasgow on Wed 14th March.

(please note that due to the timing and location of the event you will be a bit late getting back to school so you will need to make arrangements to get picked up)

The Kindles have arrived!

We have just taken delivery of three little tiny bundles of joy in the form of some library kindles.

The plan is to have a set of 6 which can be used with class projects and be loaned out to avid readers.

If you are interested in borrowing a Kindle or would like to recommend what I should download just let me know or if you have access to GLOW pop to our Kindleland site there and add your comments.